One of the most popular building materials for the decoration of the facade of the building is a brick. It is used separately or in combination with gypsum, stone, wood, allows you to create a stable and interesting look at the facade. The characteristic of the brick expressed by architects is the almost endless possibilities of the design of the facade of the building. It is also often used on the entire surface of the wall, as well as in conjunction with other materials, such as plaster, stone and wood. The use of brick as a decorative element helps to highlight various architectural elements of the house, such as pedestals, pilasters, jumpers and window frames. In addition, bloomers, columns and a variety of elevations in the house are also finished using brick or tiles. Reasonable reasons for the desirability of using brick in the aforementioned places are not only aesthetic, but also the technical properties of this building material. With high resistance to weather conditions and mechanical damage, brick copes better than other building materials in those places that are most vulnerable to negative influences from outside. Brick and plaster. In the construction of a private single -family house, most often connected clinker or facing brick and plaster. Each of them can be used separately, erecting a brick wall or covering it with completely plaster. When choosing bricks, its prevailing arguments are its long service life, the lack of the need for reconstruction, as well as high decorative value. The advantage of plaster is its lower price, as well as the builder will have to pay much less. Often, however, economy at the stage of building a house is multiplied during expenses for its operation. The plastered walls will never have such resistance to various types of mechanical damage as brick. Therefore, they often choose as a solution to use more stable materials in those places that are especially vulnerable to various external factors. Brick and wood. The combination of wood and brick, this proposal is mainly used to emphasize the traditional style of the building, especially if the choice falls on the use of facial brick, manually polished wood of natural color. The proportions of these two materials can be different, but most often wooden elements are used as decorative details. Wood is used to decorate the facade, for example, on peaks, attic, attic windows, biases. The ease of this material is of great importance for building buildings that do not have direct support on the substrate. Modern investors are less and less decided to finish the facades in full using wooden cladding, since the costs of such implementation do not always go hand in hand with its strength. If, nevertheless, you choose a lining made of wood, then similarly the situation with the coating of the walls of plaster, it is worth protecting the facade from damage and increased humidity emanating from the soil. Brick and stone. From the point of view of technical parameters, brick and stone are considered as materials characterized by similar strength and durability. They are used both for the implementation of projects with traditional arrangement, as well as for modern objects of public use. Clinker brick with a smooth surface, facing brick, which is formed manually, as well as a undressed stone, this is a combination of naturalness and simplicity of the building. Using a stone for finishing the basement and columns of one -story house, this is a great way to emphasize the massiveness of the entire building. The possibilities of combining various building materials that are used to decorate the facades are almost endless. However, it is necessary to observe some basic principles related to various technical characteristics of brick, plaster, wood and stone.