Home Interior How to create a flowerbed from improvised means

How to create a flowerbed from improvised means

by 360roomsnews

Very often, after repairs are being made in the country house, or order is put up, of course there are many unnecessary objects, such as trimming pipes, bricks, stones, and so on.

If you look closely, then from various improvised means that can be found anywhere, you can make very original flower beds if you carefully think about how and what to use. As a result, you can get an excellent flowerbed without putting almost a dime, and your work of art will be exclusively with you.

For example, you can take a small trim in a pipe that can be made of any material, then we dig it in the place where you want to grow a flowerbed. As for the diameter, the more it will be, the more it will be in your flowerbed of flowers. The pipe must be filled with various construction garbage, such as cutting wood, stones, while leaving about 20 cm from the top from the top. We place a small piece of burlap inside the pipe, and fill it with earth. This is a very interesting idea of ​​flower beds from improvised materials, but at the same time, as the Landscape-Project portal advises. ru must take into account that the Earth needs to be selected based on what kind of flowers belong to. In order for your flowerbed to bloom, you can add a little fertilizer to it. For the flowerbed to look more attractive, the lower part can be planted with flowers, and the upper one can decorate with waterproof paint.

If you want to hide most of the pipe, then it is worth planting curly flowers. If you decide to plant perennial plants, then for the winter they need to be trimmed and closed on top of a burlap so that in the summer they bloom.

Today, many people throw out such unnecessary things as old TVs or LT monitors, from which a great flowerbed can also be obtained, however, it is necessary to get rid of the insides of the monitor. The case itself can be repainted if you wish to repaint the color you need.

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