After cladding tiles, the broken parts of tiles of various colors and sizes always remain. With the help of a bat tile, you can make a beautiful decor of any part of the wall in the oriental style. Additionally, a little mirror tile will be required, as well as a white grout, special tile glue and glue for mirrors, which does not damage amalgam, tile crosses, acrylic white aerosol paint and polyurethane moldings foam. To apply the necessary pattern on the walls, you need a stencil with any oriental ornament. Now you can proceed to the very process of mosaic from a bat tile. A sheet of thin plywood must be drawn on squares of equal sizes, the size of their sides must necessarily correspond to the sizes of mirror tiles. Mirror tiles are thinner than conventional tiles, so mirror tiles are lifted with crosses above the surface of plywood. Next, the squares are determined on which mirror tiles will be placed, and all the crosses are glued in them, on which all mirror tiles glue on top. Thus, mirror tiles are laid on the same level with the rest of the decorative elements of the wall. The remaining tile crosses are used for their purpose, so that all the seams between the mirror tiles are one width. Those squares that are not busy with mirror tiles must be filled with beaten parts with ceramic tiles in any order, and the details of the tiles should not be densely near each other and go beyond the boundaries of the marked squares. After all mirror and ceramic tiles are laid, you need to tightly fill with white grout absolutely all the seams between ceramic mosaics and between mirrors and tiles. Then it is necessary to carefully pull out all the crosses and remove the excess grout so that the grout remains only in the seams between all elements. A stencil pattern with white aerosol paint is applied on top of the mirror tile. Moldings made of polyurethane foam need to be painted with white acrylic paint, then glue the framing the created decor of the wall. The final designer in the formation of a fabulous oriental interior from the mosaic can be white accessories: elying elephants, porcelain vases, delicate openwork boxes and interior items with various oriental patterns: ceramic stool by the fireplace and textiles, resembling patterns on upholstered furniture.