The facade of any building, whether it is a private mansion or administrative-commissioned complex, can tell a lot about its owner or tenant-his inclinations, habits and position in society. The carelessly decorated appearance of the house will probably ruin the mood of the guests, will alert or completely scare away customers and partners. Therefore, the decoration of the facade, and especially the front porch, should pay special attention. One of the most important elements of the facade of any building is a visor above the front door. First of all, this construction element is designed to perform a purely practical function – to protect the porch, and therefore visitors from rain and snow. However, the visors have another, moreover, no less important, function – aesthetic. A tastelessly selected visor can easily ruin the entire appearance of the building. For example, a heavy forged canopy looks unnatural on the facade of the modern building. Light metal visors, on the contrary, do not harmonize with the general appearance of an old mansion. The compromise between style and practicality is justifiably considered glass visors and canopies. Modern companies use only the highest quality materials for the manufacture and installation of its products – hardened glass (including protective films), metal -resistant frames and the most durable fittings. For glass visors, there is practically no concept of expiration date: the latest technologies used make it possible to make these protective and decorative elements as resistant to atmospheric precipitation, temperature extremes and mechanical effects. Glass visors, unlike analogues of metal or plastic, fit well into any architectural style. Due to their transparency and visual lightness, they are not striking and at the same time harmoniously complet the facade of the building. The manufacture of glass visors in the production of modern companies is controlled at all stages, starting from the selection of materials to the installation of accessories, therefore it can be guaranteed to exclude marriage and deviations from the highest quality standards. At the same time, designers, at the request of the client, can give the visors almost any form and configuration, as well as supply them with specific properties, including the degree of passing of light and protection against ultraviolet rays. After many years of work with glass, professionals may not say that glass visors, the price of which in some cases is lower than similar products from other materials, perfectly withstood the test of time and proven themselves well in the most difficult conditions.