Home Interior Fundamental foundations of construction

Fundamental foundations of construction

by 360roomsnews

If a person who is little understanding in construction ask the question “where does the construction of the building begin?”, Then you can hear a lot of interesting answers. However, only one is correct – the construction of a private house, as well as the construction of public and industrial purposes, begins with the construction of the foundation.

The foundation is a constructive element of the building that transfers the load from overlying structures to the ground. The depth of the foundation depends on a number of factors that are taken into account when constructing and reinforcing it. Depending on the construction area, indicators such as the type of soil, the depth of its seasonal freezing, the level or the presence of groundwater will vary.

One of the fundamental factors is the presence of groundwater and the determination of the load that will affect the foundation that accepts it in such a way as not to sag, not to deform and not subject the building to risky distortions. Groundwater determines the depth of the foundation by the foundation due to their influence and the impact on the design of the underground part of the building. Depending on whether the groundwater level is lower or higher than the depth of freezing, the foundation depth is also determined.

Using a typical project for the construction of your own building, remember that the specified type of foundation and methods of its design are true only in this particular case. It is most likely that in your project the type and method of erecting the foundation will differ fundamentally, since many factors affecting the determination of the type of foundation are unlikely to coincide with an accuracy to the last.

Many people believe that before the construction of the aboveground part of the building, it is worth letting the foundation spend the winter directly in the harsh environmental conditions. This decision will help to check the foundation, as well as look at its behavior in terms of construction. Such a statement does not correspond to the truth, since after the completion of the construction of the building, the design of the underground part will exist, work and be loaded with completely different factors, in another state and under other processes.

In addition, you should not be mistaken about the ease of removing the typical project of the building. In fact, even the slightest change in the designs, elements or supporting parts of the building will entail a whole train of additional updates, the development and test of which will take a lot of time.

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