Transportation of forests along the rivers of Russia is of great importance for the economy. Ooboy is popular with construction forests of facade. Raw materials raw materials on rivers, this is the method of rafting of the forest that has been known since ancient times, as the only one of the currently existing methods for transporting wood over long distances.
The main positive consequences for the continuous regulation of river flow for the subsequent forest deposit are that: 4-5 times the size, that is, depth, as well as the width of the ship, full radius of rounding and pressure, therefore, the alloy of the river. A more constant water level during the navigation period is ensured, and the enlargement of the platform raids is possible, which will not only increase the mechanization of the process, but also the subsequent automation of raid work, and reduce the cost of finished raw materials. Of great and positive importance is a decrease in water velocities at river tributaries in the places of wedging backwater. Regulation of the drain of large and small rivers leads to a partial elimination of a small alloy, in which large losses of fairly high -quality wood are observed, and the opportunity to transmit forest transportation and cargo ships, especially frame forests, is created. This is one of the most effective ways of rafting forests in modern conditions, especially the Siberia, Volga rivers, etc.
The negative consequences of regulating the flow for the subsequent forest deposit consist in more severe wind conditions and a sharp decrease in the flow rate, in sharp and daily fluctuations in the level of the water level in the lower beet. Regulation of river flow of rivers creates significantly new conditions, for the future forest deposit, the accounting of which by the first design of the organization of the logging reservoirs and in the practical activities of the forestry workers allows the Cinimum to reduce the negative consequences of river regulation and increase the positive consequences as much as possible. As the number of stages of the cascade of the main reservoirs increases, the value of the most important consequences of the mass river flow of river is growing, and the negative consequences are weakening, since the length of the areas with the same depths and a larger width of the ship’s passage and with more constant, that is, stable water levels , throughout the alloy on the river. Reorganization of rivers by reservoirs of hydroelectric power plants increases throughput and creates the possibility of the export of forest on vessels of lake and mixed types.