You have happened to lose something very important with you? – Surely. Not even things acquire special value in our time, the worst of all to a modern person to lose information. This is what happens according to the law at the most unexpected and inappropriate moment. Actually, the right moment for loss is absurd. There is a golden rule: always save backup copies of information that has a special value for you or difficult to restore as in the case of paid hosting. For example, a copywriter holds a page or leads a block. At some point, the payment is ended with both the site and the blog on the domain of the owner of the hosting site are not available. The result, everything that you kept there, and not on your computer, is obviously lost, obviously, irrevocably. Moreover, the further the information is deleted in time from the present moment, the less likely to find its backup copy. A simple action can solve this situation. Change the settings so that backup copies are saved on the computer automatically with a certain frequency. The previous option can be removed from the working machine. The second option, the panel of administrative administrators of domain names. With its help, even a simple rewriting can move its page or blog from one site to another.