Home Construction Types of strip foundation

Types of strip foundation

by 360roomsnews

The strip foundation in appearance really resembles a tape that stretches under the outer and internal supporting walls. This type of “foundation” at home is especially popular in low -rise construction. There are a prefabricated, monolithic and conditionally monolithic type of tape foundation.

Consider each of them in more detail.

Made . Mounted from reinforced concrete blocks. They are brought to a construction site in a finished form. There are two types of foundation blocks:

pillows from which the lower row of the foundation is equipped;

Wall foundation blocks (FBS), from which the foundation wall is laid out. The disadvantage of such a solution – a construction crane is required to install blocks.

Monolithic. It is created from reinforced concrete as follows: into a small pit is equipped in a formwork container and reinforced, poured concrete, which forms a durable monolith.

Conditionally monolithic . There are a whole group of conditionally monolithic strip foundations: a bottle, brick, button.D.

What unites them?

Firstly: the fact that the technology for the construction of all of the above types implies the implementation of masonry work.

Secondly, the arrangement of the foundation wall in all cases is performed directly on the place. Therefore, they are considered monolithic. In fact, they are not considered such and from here the word “conditionally” in the title.

The strip foundation is suitable for almost any type of soil . There is only one contraindication: easy -to -sry and fluffy soils. This species is indispensable for weak and sagging ground foundations. True, in this case it is necessary to use spatial reinforcement throughout the volume of the foundation.

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