Many people think about the design of the ceiling in the future room of their child. And this turns into a very difficult choice. Something is not ordinary for the child: circles, ovals, waves. Elements of nature on the ceiling will fascinate the child. The most common type of drywall ceiling in children’s rooms (it is also suitable in the corridor and small balconies) is a wave. It looks beautiful, you can handle beautiful handle rods or install a stretch ceiling (as in our version). The ceiling from drywall the stretch ceiling talk about all the subtleties of its assembly will take a lot of time, therefore we will clarify the main stages. This is an assembly of the frame for drywall, the installation of drywall sheets according to the desired sizes, with all leave and sides for illumination further for the convenience of further work, the malyars should start with the ceiling, because after installing the stretch ceiling in the wave, the malyars will be very problematic to get to the necessary places. Installation of a stretch ceiling, and the design of a stretch ceiling, as its color, depends on your tastes and morals of the child
Ceiling in a children’s room made of drywall with an element of a stretch ceiling