Liquid nails, in addition to a similar name, have absolutely nothing to do with simple nails. A brand called Liquid Nails, which was represented by Macco back in 1968, which in literal translation and denotes “liquid nails”, gave this name to a widely known and often used material. Liquid nails are nothing more than glue that differs from ordinary glue with very high strength. The use of rubber, as well as astringent materials – polymers, was taken as a basis. The main difference between liquid nails and any adhesives is a filler in their composition, which is a fine -fractional substance. Just this filler helps to fix the elements even with significant loads. Liquid nails are very widely used. They are used for gluing drywall structures, panels from cork and ceramic tiles, plastic, wood, ceramics, and even aluminum. With the help of liquid nails, sometimes a bath is sealing, cracks in plaster or walls, a shower room, door frames and windows, as well as various joints between surfaces. The restriction is only the areas that are in the water, the surface made of silicone and raw wood. In its composition, liquid nails are divided into substances that are made using a solvent, as well as on adhesives, the basis of which water is taken. The former are absolutely resistant to low temperature, as well as water, they also grasp quite quickly and are suitable for almost any materials. Their main drawback is a specific smell. Substances that have water in their composition are completely safe for use, and they are also absolutely environmentally friendly liquid nails. But they are used only to fasten porous surfaces, and they also do not tolerate moisture at all. During the acquisition of liquid nails, it is important to turn your attention to their label, carefully read what types of work, and also for which materials these nails are intended. Liquid nails have certain advantages. They fasten the materials very tightly, can transfer the effects of high loads, from fifteen to eighty kilograms per centimeter of the square, tightly glue with each other a variety of materials. In addition, liquid nails are fireproof and non -toxic material.
Characteristics and the area of use of liquid nails