Design suitable wallpaper can update any room and give it a special charm. The comfort of your home largely depends on the choice of wallpaper, so this process should be approached with all seriousness. First of all, it is worth evaluating the level of illumination and size of the room. If the room is small, then you should not purchase wallpaper with a large pattern of bright colors. If there is a lack of lighting in the room, it is better to choose light wallpaper of warm shades. The color of the wallpaper should be harmoniously combined with furniture, lamps and other interior items – observing this rule will create a holistic composition. If you use two wallpaper colors in the design of the room, make sure that they do not make each other a sharp contrast. For the kitchen and the hallway, the best option would be washing wallpaper or wallpaper for painting, since pollution from them remove quite easily. Silkography will look great in the living room. For a sleeping room, you can choose almost any type of wallpaper, since in this room the lowest level of contamination is usually in this room. Vinyl wallpapers will be pleased with you for a long time. In the children’s room, murals with the image of your baby cartoons will be harmonious. The most environmentally friendly option would be paper wallpapers. If you intend to place paintings or photos on the walls of the room, it makes sense to choose plain wallpaper. Wallpaper with a small pattern having a texture surface will perfectly hide the irregularities on the walls, which for some reason cannot be leveled in other ways. If the walls are perfectly leveled, it is better to give preference to plain wallpaper – they will emphasize the clear geometric lines of the room. With the help of correctly selected wallpaper, you can visually increase or decrease the room. Wallpaper with vertical, widely wide stripes visually expand the space and make ceilings higher. Such wallpapers are combined with almost any interior and create a cozy atmosphere in the room. Wallpaper of dark colors can visually reduce the size of the room, so it is recommended to glue them only in fairly spacious rooms with a high level of illumination. Wallpaper should be purchased with a margin. In the event that the material is not enough, difficulties may arise with the selection of a suitable shade, since in different parts the colors are slightly different. Adhering to simple rules, you can choose high -quality wallpapers that will delight you and your loved ones for many years.