As a rule, cracks are formed as a result of non-compliance with technologies in the process of construction work or due to improper procurement of the solution for surface decoration. Very often the blame for everything is low -quality raw materials used in the wall cladding. Inexpensive mixtures have a large number of binders that do not affect the state of the surface in the best way. The sealing of cracks in plaster often such problems occurs due to a poorly mixed solution, as a result of which some areas are filled with an excess of the aggregate. Violation of the rules for applying plaster to the walls in the future can turn into serious deformations, including cracks. If the thick layer of the solution is not strengthened by the reinforcing cage, then all efforts will be in vain. The price of a facade plaster mesh is quite acceptable, which allows you to use it in the process of plaster. Therefore, as a fortify, it will fit. In addition, using the plaster mesh, you can be sure that the surface is reliably protected from cracks. In order for the process to pass without serious problems, you should adhere to certain rules: sealing cracks in plaster if the cracks are formed in the corners, then before applying the plaster, the surface was poorly prepared. In order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to process the surface on which the solution is applied in the process of work. Joints from heterogeneous materials should be additionally strengthened with a special net. To close up a crack in the plaster, first of all, you need to remove the old damaged layer. Then wipe the surface with a brush and rinse this area with a sponge. Fill the crack with a solution. Next, attach fiberglass tape to the processed place by the size of the defect. The sealing of cracks in the plaster previously sprayed the surface with water, apply a layer of putty on the wall with a spatula. The next thing to do is do plaster work. It is worth taking care so that the air temperature does not exceed 23 degrees of heat in the room. If multi -layer plaster occurs, then the next layer is applied on top of the previous one only after its final grasp. The thickness of the solution of gypsum should not be more than 15 mm, and from cement – 20 mm.