This is a cycle of introductory articles regarding the repair and supply the premises. This cycle is intended: 1. For those who want to control the supplier without the help of other work performed. 2. Who wants to fulfill without the help of others. Without the help of others, this is not recommended for subsequent reasons: and for this purpose excellent in order to fulfill – certain experience and skills are necessary. »Violation or ignorance of work technology will lead to marriage. Therefore, it is better to entrust the work on the repair and provide your own apartment “Office, a summer residence store, and t. D.”Experts with a suitable license or certificate approaching the SRO. We currently study the so -called sketch, supply – as a step before the final ending. The sketch supplies the apartments Petersburg. Let’s examine the sketch, supply two types of rooms separately – according to a completely new room and shabby room. The sketch supplies in the newest buildings, it becomes in some steps. The conclusion on the need to transfer from certain steps of work was carried out on the basis of a competent inspection of the facility that we wrote in the suitable our section, “how to really accept the apartment from the owners of the builders”. Stages and types of work on the outline supply the newest room: 1. Alignment of the ceilings. 2. Giprpochnye affects the ceiling. 3. Alignment of the walls. 4. Giprochnye affects the walls. 5. Alignment of floors. 6. Device of various catwalks and secret niches in the floor. These works are made especially in the sequence as listed. 1. Alignment of the ceilings. If the ceiling has no deviations from the horizon – to make rudeness under the convex mixtures of the patch is enough. When aligning ceiling, it is necessary to control the laborious quality of work, that the differences on the surface were possible. Before starting work, this is necessary the surface of the ceiling is laborious to disclose and establish. If the ceiling has severe differences from the horizon – two options for alignment ceiling are likely: 1. 1. To align the ceiling under the convex without its excretion in the horizon and with the storage of an insignificant common tendency of the ceiling, “it makes sense on the slopes of 2cm per 3m length”. 1. 2. To perform the sewing of the Hyprocclod ceiling, “if the ceiling has a slope of the majority of 2cm at 3m, lengths – in our new buildings they also visit this”. Giprochnye works on the ceiling is possible to perform not at the same level, and in level 2 and 3, they “depend on the ceiling in the buildings”. On the levels of ceilings or in their figure it is possible to make a decision without the help of others, or to involve a designer in solving this question in a solution. The performance of gimmers works, better for instructions to experts with suitable qualifications.