The world around us at the moment is the world of modern technologies, the world of generation “Next”, the world of new people. People who have a different view of life, people who think differently, is truly not the world that was before, because it is fundamentally different from the last century. Humanity rebuilt many concepts in the modern world, thereby significantly changing its life. After all, now, in order to talk with a person, it is not at all necessary to agree on a meeting to see a person, spend time, nerves and means on transport, there is no at all. It is enough just to go to the global network, go to the chat online, to the social network, to ICQ or in Skype, where you can really see a person (if you have a webcam)-in other words, there are many options to contact a person-a lot! The capabilities of the network, as it seems to the simple user, is unlimited, and here the user will be right. People gradually replace the real life of virtual, and in our time this phenomenon is reflected in many areas of public life: in communication, in the acquisition of some product, and even in work. Recently, many people have been interested in the financial component of the global network … In the modern world, many people are interested in ways to sting money on the Internet. It is now difficult to find a person who would be surprised by the work of a web designer, trader, copywriter, a remote manager, corrector, HTML of a layoutor, and so on-the list is not limited only by these professions. These are just the main “positions”, the most popular on the network. And they actually make a profit. How all this happens? Let’s try to deal with 3 most popular “vacancies”, on which people really earn: web designer, copywriter and html Wirbacer. If the first and last posts require you to certain skills and knowledge of programming, then working as a copywriter does not require additional baggage of knowledge about HTML/XML and W3C standards. Moreover, how to write CEO texts can be learned from numerous video tutorials and just articles on this topic. Therefore, the first and last options for activities will take you a lot of time to study the basics of programming, but by writing articles you can start earning immediately! As statistics shows, the work of the copywriter is the most common work on the network for beginners. And already, in turn, when you gain experience, you can switch to a new stage of work on the network. At what stage – you decide for yourself. However, at the beginning, you always need to push off something from something.