The frame is a structure with which in a short time you can create anything, even a house, residential or not. We often see how light buildings of shops are built in a very fast period, and the basis is the basis. Those who build summer cafeteria, cottage type, etc. are especially loved by the type of building. D. One of the reasons is economy, that is, such a building can be built at minimal costs. The frame can be made of steel beams or from wooden. Wooden building materials are very popular, as they are considered environmentally friendly. And the cost is noticeably different. To create a frame, you need to combine racks and strapping (vertical and horizontal beams). With the help of this kind of building, it is very easy to plan places for door and window openings. If we are talking about a wooden frame, then it is even easier to control the length of the beams. This use of space and building materials are very rational. It is no secret that in any frame structure there are voids. In this case, they are filled with insulating materials. To do this, choose a heater with thermal conductivity of a reduced – for safety. It is also worth remembering that the higher the walls, the more draft in the room. Recommended home height – about 2400 mm. In a room like a kitchen, not lower. Heat can be kept using a conventional uncircumcised board. At the same time, we are talking about a board 25 per 100 mm. – For a summer house. Winter construction should be built from a board of 150 mm. Unsrooted board is recommended as the cheapest. In order for heat to be preserved, you can use additional building materials. For example, a brick wall, 86 cm thick., or 14 cm. wood that holds heat much better than a stone. A layer of insulation can be in thickness from 70 to 100 mm. Siding and fiberboard are suitable for cladding. These materials hold heat, which makes the house for the rank higher than the summer. Also, do not forget that precipitation can be damaged by the house, so the walls should not be dangerous of decay – the drainage around the house should be such that it can absorb moisture of precipitation. In order to create such a design, you need to outline the future perimeter of the house. For this, a beam made of wood is suitable, 150 by 50 mm. To create the floor, you will need to arrange compartments – the board is quite suitable as partitions. Fill the insides with insulation. When arranging the ceiling, you need to remember that the attic is in fashion, and not the attic littered with rubbish. Do not forget that there is always the opportunity to arrange in the roof of the window – inclined and insulated, it all depends on you. Comfort in the house or office largely depends on the quality of the window. That is why double -glazed windows are gaining more and more popularity. Modern wooden windows are not inferior to plastic. Pros and cons of wooden windows.