Home The buildings Mobile industrial oils – safety and durability

Mobile industrial oils – safety and durability

by 360roomsnews

Today in the production market the championship branch receives products with such characteristics as energy efficiency and environmental friendliness. Here, high -precision, energy -saving equipment, modern machines and automated production lines come to the rescue. Well, their functioning depends on quality maintenance. Giants of the oil refinery: Shell, Mobile, Castrol, Fuchs, Interflon, Fragol, Rocol, Kluber know how to monitor industrial equipment correctly.

As a result of a complex process of connecting additives and synthetic basic oils (RAO), Mobil revealed ideal oils that extend the life of your equipment and equipment.

If you need oil for gearboxes and a rear axle with a high load, then it will suit you-the transmission Mobilube1SHC75W-90.   Oil is a synthetic automobile transmission that has excellent characteristics. It includes advanced basic oils and the latest settings. Withstand temperature differences, helps to cope with very high pressure and shock loads.

To extend the life of equipment, increase performance, Industry Oil advises you a hydraulic DTE 10 Excel, which will not allow you to break even in difficult conditions. It goes well with the oils of the DTE10M series, as well as with other first grade hydraulic oils such as DTE20M, DTEEXCEL. DTE 10 Excel hydraulic oil can be used in areas where DTE 10M, DTE 20 and DTE Excel oils are used.

For those who are looking for products with high quality characteristics during work, gearboxes were developed – Mobilgear 600 XP, which boast of excellent contracious properties.

To reduce deposits and increase the cleanliness of compressors, it is recommended to use compressor oil Mobilrausshc 1000 Series. This oil belongs to the oil family, which are used for air compressors with improved operational characteristics, spiral rotor plate air compressors. A wide range of lubricants on the company’s website 

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