This expression has arrived at us from the shabby UK, but the urgency has not lost to the present. Wherever a person – at home, spent most of his own life or in the office – he wants to be sure that it will be convenient for this in any weather. The final advantages in the field of civil work dictate the fashion on group sandwich. This “tasty” name was obtained by a special building material having two iron sheets with “filling” from heating the material. But, unlike the South American sandwich, the group sandwiches have the number of larger layers: the first coat, galvanizing, coloring. In terms of the quality of thermal insulation Floor-MAT-LA, expanded foam is most often used. It is strong, easy does not transmit water. The iron coating “sandwich” has flutes for the most convenient connection of groups among themselves. The deceitfulness of this building Floor-Mat-La contains in a simple, on the 1st gaze, installation method. But the secrets of the communication of groups are known only to professionals, therefore: “Do not try to repeat that it lives!”. With proper installation, the housing sandwich sandwich will not be reliably protected only from fire, floods and severe frosts, and from rapidly developing neighbors superfluous. Its efficiency and safety, Floor-Mat-LA, it turns out, is a true wide statement in the construction of hospitals and scientific laboratories, after all fruitless purity, must be there. In large wards of cooling and industrial freezers, a group sandwich creates the “thermos effect” without emitting a precious cold from the outside. The small weight of groups allows the owners to develop the speed of civil work several times. This material for the country, civilian work is unusually good – the newest small buildings, grows like mushrooms with paved rain. But, it may seem to be concerned, in the end in the Russian resident “quickly”, and “efficiently” are not constantly synonyms. Perhaps this is one of the rare incidents, when the highest speed of work does not follow the detriment of a categorical result. And you cannot be afraid – your light house will not shoot from a strong drawback. There is nothing exemplary in this world except zeal to improvement, probably there was a strong stimulus, solving the group of groups. On the other, how to explain that the fact is that in reliability, ease, resistance of fire and water resistance of the “sandwiches” there is an amazingly smooth and smooth surface that does not require a project of sophistication of additional. Wish if it is an emergency group you can draw and draw. The roof of a group sandwich belongs all properties of the own “relative” of the wall. Their coating gives protection against the negative effects of the sun, from corrosion, from high acidity. Thanks to a reliable roofing, you can not worry about the inner furniture of the house – this is not at risk of continuing ceilings. In the apparent “ideality” the group’s sandwich does not stop to be exhibited by the constant improvement of the hands of its own founders. Perhaps in a quick fluctuate, brick, reinforced concrete and wooden buildings will leave in the past producing a place to completely new buildings, united from groups with an extremely appetizing name – a sandwich.