Today, almost everyone has their own country house or at least a small cottage. Accordingly, each similar housing should surround a certain landscape. You should take care of the garden path so that you can freely examine the surroundings at any time or go in your garden. Unfortunately, most people, as a rule, are conceived about such trifles in the last turn. However, in fact, it plays a fairly significant role on the site. Of course, the design of garden paths must be thought out so that in the end it perfectly complements the overall picture. So, in this regard, the path, first of all, should be functional. In other words, its trajectory should be optimal so that you do not take extra steps when walking, but at the same time you can inspect everything. In addition, depending on the materials used, it depends on how clean it will be. Of course, if you have your own garden, then the path is an integral part of it, as it supports the appearance of the site. In other words, this is a kind of accessory, which must certainly be used when arranging your own home and environs. Even the most ordinary and common flowers will look much better if the track will run next to them. The design of garden paths is a connecting link between the fence and the entrance to the house itself. Agree, not all guests love to walk on the lawn. In addition, making a track is not so expensive, since there are various options. For example, the most cheap is a continuous earthen path. Of course, if you want your site to look more solid, then you should still use materials such as stone, pebbles and the like. With them, your garden will become even more noticeable and attractive. When you equip the tracks, you should adhere to the following rules: • The path profile must certainly be convex that the water drained; • the base of the path is laid to a depth of 15 centimeters; • A wide path should have a slope of not more than three centimeters. Based on these simple rules, you can easily independently develop the design of garden paths.