The intensity of the texture depends on the size of the aggregate. A significant role in obtaining a good texture is played by the quality of the tool. The cycle is a steel plate with chopped teeth of this size that they are less than the aggregate. If the aggregate is larger than 5 mm, then the teeth should be 1 mm smaller (4 mm). The teeth are triggered from time to time and they should be grinded or re -set. The dull teeth cycress the surface worse than new. Working cycles, they make a pressure on such strength that the teeth crash into the thickness of the plaster, and lead in one direction, removing the crust of the solution. The teeth of cycles dig into plaster and remove the upper film, creating a rough surface. At the same time, a mica or glass hidden under the upper film is exposed. Cycle should be cycle in one direction, otherwise spots are obtained on the surface, especially noticeable in sunlight. They spoil the type of plaster. It is necessary to conduct a cycl smoothly, without jerks, with one or two hands. It is necessary to indicate that before cyclopics, the foreman must choose the necessary pressure of pressure on trial samples and the direction of movement of a nail brush or cyclic. Cycle is best carried out according to the rule. In this case, smooth stripes decorating the texture are obtained. The cyclated surface resembles the texture for small, medium or large coat (depending on the size of the crumb). In addition to cycles, a nail brush is successfully used, t. e. an ordinary wooden grater, into which nails are filled at a certain distance from each other. Working with a nail brush, it is slightly pressed into the surface and, pressing, draw a strip, thus removing the upper crust of the solution. After processing, the surface is estimated, then moistened with water and a fabric 3-6 times a day for 3-5 days (depending on the weather). Processed terrazite plasters can also be hung out by mowers soaked in water, which need to be hung only near the walls, but not on the walls themselves, since the water flowing from them can get to the plaster and leave the stoops on it. To get the texture “under the chopped sandstone”, from the strengthened surface of the thick terrazitis, the upper layer is shaken with a chisel with a chisel. The texture “under the torn stone” turns out if in the stronger plaster solution the chisel, bracket or scarlet fee is driven and beat along its top, thereby tearing entire pieces of plaster. Chisel, scarlet fever, bracket or other tools must be scored at different angles and directions. It should be noted that this method is not economic. In order to save the material, the texture “under the torn stone” can be obtained by laying in different directions of the comb, which is then covered with a thin layer of terrazite solution and, after setting, the cycles are treated. When processing terrazite plaster with a nail brush, it is usually held in one hand. The technique of work with a nail brush is the same as with a cycle. Surfaces after processing are estimated from dust with a broom or a hard hair brush. After processing, the boards laid on the forests are immediately removed from the walls to protect the plaster surface from spray water, solution, etc. D.
The dependence of the texture on the size of the aggregate.