Reinforced concrete – one well -known and effective building materials. At modern production sites, an extensive selection of serial structures is produced from it, which allowed to reduce the reduction and simplify construction operations. Consider some of them in more detail, after a small description of the production technology. The reinforced concrete product is nothing else, like a metal frame that consists of reinforcing metal rolling, and a concrete solution covering it. The concrete solution itself is quite durable and solid material, but it easily breaks when bending. And largely thanks to it, it turned out to be forever free from this kind of lack. In industrial conditions, very many types of products, for example, the heating system tract, are produced with in advance with intense reinforcement, which allows us to optimize resistance with dynamic influences. This procedure is subsequently. Pieces of reinforcing steel, through special machines, stretch out and remain in a similar state until one hundred percent hardening of concrete solution. When they are released, they actually squeeze concrete, giving it a significant fortress. Reinforced concrete wells – this is the class of workpieces, which is often used in a personal economy. They are used to build technological structures on sewer and water supply networks. They place trays, corners of turns, water -combined reinforcement, etc. D. The design of the reinforced concrete well includes: cover, bottom, additional parts for the formation of the neck, ring. On the rings, as a rule, there are already already located brackets for descent, as well as rental loops for installation. Reinforced concrete fences we often see, passing by a factory or large warehouse. In modern times, they are not used as often as before, however, they find use in a situation where it is necessary to quickly create an impregnable barrier around an extensive area. Being a reinforced concrete fence set by all rules has a modern look and can serve properly for many years. Reinforced concrete slabs – this is the central element of each large construction. They are indispensable when creating inter -story floors of civilian and industrial buildings. A wide list of sizes and types of this railway product has been developed.
What groups of reinforced concrete are the sector currently produces and what is reinforced concrete?