Three quarters of text advertising on the Russian Internet do not bring any effect, there are several reasons for this. The fact is that the domestic mentality applies to the World Wide Web in its local range. To write an advertising that will attract our buyer to your product or service, several basic rules must be followed. Give up some kind of or secrecy. The Russian consumer is already quite skeptical of the Internet advertising, and if the site does not have a single email address, details or sales manager stands under a strange nickname, then ninety-nine out of hundreds will simply close this page. Information should be open, better with photo and audio- (video-) version of advertising. Beautifully put speech or a well -written text, on which the copywriter worked, is not surprising today, be prepared for the original share of skepticism. Be patient to prove your viability in the illuminated issue. Leave not only laudatory reviews about your services or goods, but also meticulously evaluating all aspects and potential opportunities. Ask a regular client to post your photo and email address with a review, this will increase the effectiveness of users. Avoid excessive praise of advertising your own product, let the rewriter correct your praises to himself in a business form. There should be objective advantages and should not incredible promises of the qualitative and functional potential of the product. Install clear guarantees for your product or completed service. The Russian consumer is always afraid of deception, so reasonable warranty obligations must be contained. In a fairly affordable and comprehensive form, explain the order procedure, payment methods and goods delivery options. The specificity of such clarifications is very important, since not every user will want to clarify these details and certainly no one wants to draw up the conditions that they have incorrect “for luck”. Commercial activity in the Russian Internet requires the accounting of all the little things, starting from a decent site design (own domain) and up to it. that in the WebMoney system you need a personal certificate. Under such conditions, sales will grow and your business will progress!