Orpheum Theater in the city of Sioux, Iowo was once the great vaudeville and the palace of cinema. Developed by the famous Chicago architects RApp and Rapp, it opened in 1927 and had exciting chandeliers, the gold leaf covered the dome, and the greatest of the lobby. Over the decades, the theater has suffered a large insensitive, reconstructed, but recently returned spectacular to life thanks to a devoted team of recovery expert and artisans. The original theater was financed by the local businessman Art Sanford, a successful entrepreneur with a strong sense of community. In addition to elegant places, the Sanford’s gift in the city of Sioux included air conditioning, a rare luxury in 1927. At first, Orpheum was the master of films and shows of travel and home of local actions and events. Then, over the years, the images of life and tastes of entertainment have changed. In 1968, the building was transformed into a modern cinema, and stage show ended. The boxes of the box were destroyed, and part of the balcony was removed. The upper floors, underwear, and the halls were blocked, and the reduced ceiling was installed, hiding and preserving the incredible architecture, painting and a patch above. In 1982, the theater “was an exact copy” or was reduced in two small cinema buildings, and the wall of the leaf cliff was placed down the center of the center. These cinemas operated until 1992, when for the first time after 65 years, Orpheum went dark. The opening of hidden places in 1988, two young people with a video camera studied the dark, empty, upper floors of Orpheum, which were no longer available to the public. This small adventure, it turned out, was the main theater in the future. Armed by the video, the Siouxland dance Association turned to the Ayov Cultural Affairs Department for Grant to determine the fulfillment of Orpheum restoration. The same year, the theater project for preserving Orpheum, OTPP, was created to head the fund’s public engine to comply with the grant given by the state. A limited amount of destruction was made to remove the ceiling of the decline in the theater. This showed the magnificent arch of advance and confirmed what members of the board hoped. Most of the original painting and the patch was intact. When the ceiling of the decline was removed in the lobby, three magnificent chandeliers were shown. It was then that the potential of a beautiful theater became obvious. The OTPP Council contacted Ray Shepardson, a theater specialist in restoration, who was impressed by him. “What brought me here,” He recalls, “was one of the most magnificent cinema palaces remaining in America. The room is very vertical, which is what you want in the concert hall for acoustics; It has a large volume.”Shepardson also appreciated that many of the original ends and fasteners were intact. Keeping those, if possible, he says, “holds happier ghosts.”Unfortunately, among the original fastenings that disappeared, there was a” great chandelier “, which once adorned the center of the theater. The board decided to authorize a new chandelier, which was similar in the amount and style, which includes approximately 20,000 old and new crystals. The collection of parts is one of the first steps to restore the restoration effort to remove and dismantle all the existing lighting reinforcement and chandeliers and send them to new metal crafts, in chicago to restore. This company specializes in restoration, reproduction, and the supply of ancient lighting reinforcement. In addition to the restoration of almost 50 of the original orpheum lighting reinforcement, new metal crafts created 40 accurate reproduction. An additional 250 mounts were produced in a style welcome to the originals. When observing the evergreen studios, a company of internal departments, which specializes in restoration, preservation, and reproduction of paint and patch, a large part of the original paint and patch, returned to the new one, carefully cleaning the far years of neglect. What was supposed to be done again was carefully selected, and the soils were created from the parts of the decoration of the patch that survived. The storage of the original architectural intact style of Orpheum’s was extremely important for the city community of Sioux, and all the sections of the rails, the railing, and the steps of the terazzo should have been painstakingly updated. They now flow easily from old to new.