The service life and operation of the flooring depends on the basis. There are several methods of preparation, one of them is a cement-sand screed. To make this screed, you need sifted river sand and Portland cement. The solution is prepared by mixing first dry ingredients: sand and cement 4: 1. Then water is added in small portions and the solution is kneaded so that the consistency resembles thick sour cream. The laying of the screed begins with the manufacture of lighthouses, which are reference points. Use for this purpose any horizontal profiles – rails, pipes, etc. D. The beacons are exhibited, strictly withstanding the horizontal position at a distance of one and a half to two meters to each other. For control, they use the building level. It is best if pipes or rails that are used will be equal to the length of the room where the screed is made. A prerequisite – they should be perfectly even. The best option for placing beacons, when one is laid near the wall, the following – along the central line of the room, is better on an axial. So that the lighthouses do not diverge and do not bend when leveling the solution by a rail, under them you need to put on the planks or bewhaled with a solution. A rule is superimposed on top of the lighthouses, a level that will control the strictly horizontal position of the rail. Reika, moving along the beacons, retains the necessary thickness of the applied screed. The thickness of the base can range from 5 mm to 50, depending on the state of the ceiling. Before the solution is applied, the surface is cleaned of dust and moistened with water for better adhesion. It is better to first apply a liquid cement dough, then proceed to the main solution. After grasping the solution, it must be wiped with a grater and light up, t. e. Dry cement is poured and ironed iron. Lighthouses need to be removed at the end of the entire surface of the room, then they are filled with a solution of the place from the lighthouses and the joints of the joints are wiped. The process of hardening and drying of the screed can conditionally be divided into two phases. The first week the room must be constantly ventilated, then re -check evenly and, if necessary, eliminate defects. Check with the rule of at least two meters long, gaps between the cutting rick and the base of 2 mm are allowed. The defects found are marked with chalk, and then grinded with the same solution that the screed was made. It is recommended to start laying the floors after two to six weeks, of course, depending on what thickness the screed itself.