The norms and rules of construction, regulatory documentation Many auto -lunkers engaged in the operation and repair of motor household and agricultural machinery often face the need to clean and flushing the parts and mechanisms of engines, gearboxes and other units. This usually takes a lot of time, since mechanisms covered with clogged lubricant and dirt require thorough cleaning and washing. The Frenchman Thierry Vilnev carried out in his workshop the project of a “cleansing fountain”, which greatly facilitates this process. Washing device (see. rice.) consists of a metal barrel with a capacity of 200 liters, on which the cleaning chamber with the lid is fixed. The filter pump pumps a solvent, which is repeatedly circulated through a camera with a laundered part or an aggregate node placed in it. The cleaning camera is made of sheet steel, bending it and welding the joints of the joint with gas welding. The marking of the sheet is carried out on the inside to avoid cracks or breakdown along the fold line. After bending, the corners are boiled and fixed with scarves. Inside the chamber, the emphasis of the cover of the cover is welded, and outside the plate for fastening the pump switch button of the pump engine. Cleaning camera is removable, it is inserted into the slot of the barrel cover and lies on it. The cover on the barrel is fixed with a tightening hoop. On the side of the cleaning camera, the clutch is cut and welded, on the tip of which a gas -resistant flexible hose is put on with a special detergent brush. The camera cover is attached to loops. On the inside of the lid are weld-bolt for hinging a cruttle and clamping for its fastening. Outside, a handle is made of a stretch of strip steel. On the second (lower) belt, the barrels have a hoop on which the pump support bracket and a steel plate for attaching an electrical box are welded. In the center of the cleaning chamber, spill (the dimensions are indicated in the figure), which is part of the window of the barrel lid window. A frame cooked from strip steel is laid on the bottom of the camera. A perforated sheet is placed on the frame – the capture of large pieces and clots of dirt. This is a kind of coarse cleaning filter of washing fluid. In the lower part of the barrel, the coupling with a cork-slash and a coupling is soldered, on which a crane with a corner and burning is installed. All fittings – semi -inch. A flexible gas -bearing hose is put on the hose and clamp it with clamps. The gas pump pump is driven by an electric motor from the washing machine. A car filter is installed in front of the pump. Electric wiring is made through an electrical box based on a three -wire cable in a double shell. One cable core is grounded. Когда все детали были изготовлены, их обезжирили, покрыли одним слоем антикоррозионного средства и двумя слоями краски. When the pump is turned on, the pump begins to pump out the solvent from the barrel and serve it into the cleaning chamber. The chamber has a piece of a flexible hose with a worn brush, through the hollow handle of which the solvent enters the purified surface. When using a ‘cleansing fountain’, the following safety regulations must be followed. Due to the fact that a white spite or other solvent is used for cleaning, which belong to easily igniting liquids, all work should be carried out in a well-ventilated room (workshop) and far from the sources of fire or open spirals of electric heaters. You need to work in protective glasses and gloves. The camera cover is kept closed after work – this reduces the evaporation of reagents. When cleaning the barrels and chambers, the solvent is drained into a special canister. Collected dirt with machine oil and waste oil cannot be drained into the sewer, but it is necessary to take it to a specialized enterprise for disposal. Materials and parts for the manufacture of the device ‘Cleaning Fountain’: a metal barrel with a lid; 2 fittings; electric motor for the washing machine; gasoline pump; 1/2 tap; The tee of 1/2; half -inch couplings, corners, drives and barrels; a gasoline hose with 016/22 mm and clamps for it; a brush with a tubular pen; sheet steel 2 mm thick; perforated sheet with holes 06 mm; 2 loops; metal rolling, including a square of 30 mm; strip 6×30 mm; ‘and’ figurative profile 15×5 mm; corner 30×30 mm; Rym-Bolt; anti -corrosion and paint; electrical box, three -core wires and a zlektrovilka; solvent. Welding electrode – a rod from electrical wire material, designed to weld various products. Losinoostrov electrodes are used to weld various types of steels.