Home The buildings Column blocks of multi -zone air conditioners

Column blocks of multi -zone air conditioners

by 360roomsnews

In spacious rooms (large offices, trading halls, restaurants, halls, theaters, museums of trade and administrative buildings), column air conditioners are widely used. The equipment received this name due to its form similar to the column. The installation of the air conditioner is carried out on the floor. The installation of such conditioning systems in those places where the architectural features of the interior without changes is especially in demand is especially in demand.

Column air conditioners have two blocks. One is mounted on the outer wall of the building, the other is placed on the floor inside the building or placed on a special pedestal. The power of column split systems is different. For example, there is equipment designed for heating/cooling a room with an area of ​​up to 120 m. sq. Air conditioners equipped with electrostatic filters additionally clean the air. The device is controlled using the remote control or modern panel located on the internal block of the air conditioner. The functionality of column air conditioners is amazing. For example, there are models with an option for swaying blinds for uniform distribution of air through the room. It is necessary to provide the possibility of regulating air temperature, and in some modifications and humidity. Equipment can be programmed for a certain time (built -in timer).

During operation, the air conditioner gives a powerful flow of air, and the blinds are directed so that the stream is oriented to the ceiling. Thus, the desired temperature will be set in the room, and people who are near the split system will not experience inconvenience. Leading manufacturers of column air conditioners care about ecology. New models of split systems work on a freon safe for the ozone layer.

High -quality column air conditioners are not only convenient to operate, but also durable. The devices built the mechanism of self-diagnosis of non-taxes, and there is also a phase monitor that protects a powerful compressor from malfunctions due to an incorrect power supply.

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