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Digging wells

by 360roomsnews

Digging Kolodtsi – responsible and not easy work, the experience of interacting performers with geologists plays an important role.

The well is packed with an open and closed method.

The open method of digging a well (accumulative) is an ordinary pit in which rings with support for tripods and winches are installed, pour sand from the outside and put a blind area. Often the water in the well comes out poor quality.

The closed method of mounting the well is the digging of the rings inside, the soil is removed from the ring, and the shaft of the well moves down the soil down.

The construction of wells is carried out by a team of two workers.

One worker is located on top, and the other in the well fills the bucket of the ground. The rings under their weight sit down at the extent of the excavation of the soil, and a new reinforced concrete ring is put upstairs.

As the mine is descent, the well rings are implicitly and in time seal with each other and fixed with metal brackets, so that during the movement of the shaft the ring does not shift and do not fill up the workers. To accelerate the process of work, some “grief specialists” do not strengthen the rings and close them after, which helps to leak the rings from the joints so much that it is not possible to catch the seam in the circumstances of the water from water.

When passing the rings through the float, it is necessary to close the bottom of the well with an aspen shield with the filter installed in it. In this situation, the height of water lift can be no more than 0, 7 m, and if a large flow of water enters the well, then it can be normally used. The well -fuel is carried out from below with more impeccable water. At times, holes are drilled in the rings (in the case of a small flow of water through the bottom filter), and water occurs through them.

The degree of groundwater in the well is directly dependent on the time of year. In the fall and in summer, the threshold of water in the well is small, and in the spring the well is filled with a tremendous volume of water. If the water was found incorrectly, then in the summer the well may dry out, the dry well in our time is not uncommon. For this reason, they often treat the prayer to deepen the well. In this case, we report that we are deepening wells without guarantees of the quality of work. The installation of rings in this kind of well is a very difficult thing and expensive, because the rings are already clamped with soil, and they must be torn off. The deepening of the well is dangerous for workers and dear to customers the situation.

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