Home Home ideas Folding sofas and their types

Folding sofas and their types

by 360roomsnews

The sofa can be called one of the most ingenious inventions of mankind. On the couch, people rest, play, talk, read, watch movies and listen to music. In addition with the advent of sofas that are laid out, the need to use shelves for storing bed or other linen has disappeared. They have a special department where you can carefully add everything.

Folding sofas now have a large number of species. Consider those sofas that occupy a leading position in the furniture market.

A sofa with a mechanism called “telescope”. It also has a popular name – rolling. It works on the principle of a telescope: all parts go from the inside of the main structure. Such a design has a staging sofa folding. The advantage of such layout mechanisms include ergonomicity and compactness. Consumers also note the shortcomings in the form of a small height of the sleeping surface and large changes in level.

Divine book. This is the very first mechanism that appeared in folding sofas. The principle is that two surfaces in a folded state are closed as a book. Such sofas are the best sold because of their low price. The disadvantage can be called the fragility of the mechanism and the changes in the height of the surface.

Sofa-rally. This type of sofa works on the principle of deployment, like a scroll. The mattress here is a thin sheet of fabric or foam. In a folded state, the folding part practically does not take up space. Due to their compactness and practicality, these sofas are used in living rooms.

There are many more diverse mechanisms of retractable and folding sofas, but they differ from the above only complexity and length.

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