During operation, or due to masonry defects (or for other reasons), the tile can exfoliate from the surface or crack. In this case, the question of repairing tiles arises. Situations on the wall and on the floor are somewhat different from each other. Therefore, consider them separately. Wall repair. There are possible cases – when the tile was completely exfoliated and fell off and when the tile cracked. A case is possible when the tile exfoliated, but remained on the wall. If the tile exfoliated, fell and remains intact, then it can be glued back to the sealant. It is preferable to use white silicone sealant, t. To., Usually, it is more durable than transparent. It can be planted on a solution or tile glue, but then it is necessary to clean the surface and tiles (from the remains of the solution) and the wall (slightly deepening) so that you can make an adhesive layer. If the tile is on the wall and it must be removed, then it will have to be broken, otherwise you will damage neighboring tiles. To do this, put the scarlet fever (chisel) to the tile in the right places and carefully hit with a hammer on the chisel – as if drying out the tile. Draw the first blow in the middle of the tile to break it. From the edge you have to be especially careful. T. To. Tiles can slightly differ in sizes, then deepen (clean part of the solution) will have to be in any case. This is done using the same chisel (scarlet fever). I must say that the extreme tile can be removed without damaging it and neighboring tiles, but it is difficult. Some recommend that the seams first clean up. But this procedure itself is very painstaking, and adjacent tiles can be damaged. On the other hand, remove the tile, without first cleaning the seams, is quite easy (you only need to be neat). If the tile moved away from the wall and remained on it (lasts only at the expense of the seams), then most likely the neighboring tiles have left – the wall bends under pressure. Here you need to do full repairs. You can, of course, try to replace the tiles, but the masonry of different tiles is different – the master knows this. You may have to cut the tile. It is also worth thinking about how to replace the removed tile. The same tile, but from another batch can differ in a touch from your. Floor repair. Sexual tiles are much stronger than wall, so it almost never cracks, but only exfoliates. On the street, she can be broken off the edge or it can be cracked, but this is due to the shock load. The tile can be discouraged in one quantity, or it can pull the rest. In any case, it is recommended to remove all defective tiles (as well as on the wall you will have to split it) and deepen into the depths of the screed (clean the solution) to give place the adhesive layer. In practice, not rarely, the solution is not cleaned, but put on PVA.