For many centuries, humanity has been used to finish ceilings and walls for many centuries. She also perfectly softens water. In addition, many building materials also contain it in their composition. Gashenic lime: The formula is hashing lime: the formula of the most curious in this case may be interested in the formula of the final product. Moreover, not everyone knows what it is – hash lime. First of all, it is worth noting that this material consists of chemicals, so it is useful for everyone to find out whether it is dangerous for use in construction and repair work. General lime is obtained by “extinguishing” as a result of the interaction of water with calcium oxide. The formula of the gash -lime looks like this: CA (OH) 2. This is also a chemical compound, the result of which is actively used by the industrial industry. The receipt of the negative lime occurs after thermal treatment, as a result of which the limestone decomposes. Gashenic lime – what is it? This material is actively used in construction. From it, even for a long time, cement was made, which quickly acquired firmness due to interaction with carbon dioxide in open airspace. Unexed construction lime is strictly forbidden to use as a component for the production of cement, which is intended for the construction of fireplaces or stoves. The remaining solution based on lime is not recommended to be stored. As soon as the water completely evaporates, the solution will turn into a solid block, which will be difficult to use somewhere. If you have a lime mixture, it is better to whitewash the curbs and ennoble your yard in this way. During construction, you can not do without construction waste. For minor waste, garbage bags are suitable, but for more bulky elements it is better to order private garbage collection. If repair work is carried out in the children’s room, then it is worth thinking about furniture items. It is necessary to take care of the sleeping place made of quality material. Also the desired attribute of any room is a cabinet or a chest of drawers for warehousing clothes. The student must be bought a desk or please his special school table. The last option is much acceptable for a growing child. After all, as your child grows up, the height of the countertop can be adjusted. A special scale is provided for a desk for such a case, which indicates the parameters corresponding to the growth of the child.