The modern world requires new professions, and those, in person, require new knowledge, skills. Especially when it comes to working on the Internet. It is not necessary to go to the office of a modern person in our days. You can now work remotely, sitting at home at your personal computer. You can maintain various resources, create site design or create an online store, or you can make translations and write texts for sale. The latter now is perhaps the most popular among freelancers. Writing articles to order and their subsequent sale is called copywriting and requires from who is engaged in this case, certain knowledge, skills. Some of them have been known for a long time, and some appeared along with the advent of the World Internet Internet. What knowledge, skills should be a good copywriter? Let’s look at them in order. Firstly, the copywriter should have a great job of a native language. Typically, philologists, linguists and journalists go to copywriters. That is, those people who know the rules of the language in which they write well, and also know how to withstand the given style. Copywriter generally desirable to own several writing styles. Secondly, the copywriter should have a huge base of knowledge and good imagination. Customers may require the implementation of articles on completely different topics – from the processing of scrap metal to the biography of a famous actor or a popular singer. If the author of the article does not know something, he must be able to find the necessary information in a short time. Thirdly, just about the deadlines. When you do copywriting, you should always be able to meet the time called you the customer. You must be able to quickly find the material and quickly create a new. Fourth, in addition to copywriting, there is still the concept of rewriting. This means that the author receives a task to take a ready -made article and rewrite it for the needs of the customer. As you know, here you need to have a large vocabulary and the ability to rebuild the finished text so that something new makes it from it. The rewriter should be ready for more stringent working conditions, since copyrights on the network are given a lot of attention. Plagiarism and careless work are unacceptable. Thus, if you are able to work according to all of the above points, you will definitely find success and high fees.