The decoration of any private house, no doubt, is the gate. By their performance, you can find out, not only about the welfare of the owner, but also about his taste. Now the swing gates were made up in fashion for the old days: trimmed with various forged details, rivets, etc. D. Before ordering the garage gates, you need to deal with the opening in which they will be mounted. Having made sure of the strength and verticality of the supporting racks, one can not allow such complications as skewing and jamming, etc. D. If the gates are set “from scratch”, then let us inform you that it is best to use pipes in the role of racks for garage gates: round diam. 108mm or profile with dimensions 80*80mm, 100*100mm. Alternative – cook a box of 2 channel 10 sizes. Pillars are buried in the soil to the depth of freezing, for example, for the Moscow region it is 1, 5m. In the event that the appearance of the pillars does not meet the future gate, then it can be changed by covering them around the entire perimeter with natural stone and brick. Modern technologies provide the opportunity to produce garage gates of a wide variety of types. You can verify this here. Therefore, when ordering, it is not necessary to select something typical. If there is a desire, then you can provide your own sketch, which subsequently can be supplemented with the designer. Of course, the price will be an order of magnitude higher, but at the same time you get, what really satisfies you in all respects. If you want to buy forged gates in Moscow, then you need to remember that in the process of choosing a design there will be 1 restriction. The upper part of the gate must be straightforward, because the rollers will move along the guide. The production of swing garage gates is a process that requires an impressive knowledge in the field of metal from a specialist. In connection with what to choose a specialist is better among popular companies. In this regard, the Internet can contribute well. You can dial a phrase in the search bar: the gate sketches forged and read the opinions of real customers on one of the sites, see the ready -made work and get an approximate value.
Which tube is used for struts of supporting and from which materials high -quality garage gates are created?