Home Design House facades: stone finishing and painting

House facades: stone finishing and painting

by 360roomsnews

Today there is a wide variety of materials for construction work. The construction of any housing will not be completed until the external cladding. For the decoration of facades, you can take a natural stone, metal or vinyl panels, wood. Before deciding on the material, you should think about the terms of its service. For example, a natural stone can last you for more than a dozen years, which a tree cannot boast, which will simply rot without special processing. When decorating the facade of houses with stone and painting, the photo will clearly show what results from this can be obtained.

Stone finish

This method is quite in demand today. This fact is explained very simply – a presentable appearance, ease of use, durability, resistance to any effects of weather conditions. In addition, natural stone is honored for its environmental friendliness and unpretentiousness in leaving. However, the decoration from this material takes place with certain difficulties. When facing facades, the features of this type of work should be taken into account. To provide your housing with good thermal insulation, be sure to use facade thermal panels, for example, from here 


If you are not subject to a difficult facade of the facade with a natural stone, then you can update the appearance of your housing using painting. True, in this case, you will have to update the color of the house from time to time, since the paint has the ability to lose its former appearance under the influence of various temperatures, wind, moisture, fungus and mold.

If the building that you plan to paint has more than two floors, then you can not do without towers. To conduct facade cladding using staining you will need a roller, a paint tray, a brush. It is better to choose a paint on water -based acrylic. In the presence of an old layer of paint on the surface of the building, it will need to be removed. Then perform priming and putty. If the construction is multi -storey, then it makes sense to contact specialists. In this case, people involved in industrial climbing will be able to help you.

Parts of the facade that are not intended for staining must first be closed with a piece of plywood or ordinary plastic wrap. It would not hurt to cover window windows.

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